
Friday, 3 July 2009

In Mourning

Hi to all my lovely friends, I have had a horrible few days, actually 4 weeks. My Sister in law Carol who was 56 and my soul-mate was taken into hospital 4 weeks ago with fluid on her lungs, they did all the tests and she got the all clear from Cancer, which was what they were looking for....... Last Monday she was taken into hospital and they were going to move her to Edinburgh for some surgery on monday past, but by Friday she was on Life Support.......... they gave her an emergency operation to relieve the fluid on her lungs.........My friends I cannot believe what I am going to say next, she Died on Tuesday 30th June. My lovely friend and soul-mate who had 4 children 3 grand-children and the most wonderful husband just Died. I cannot make any sense off it My Husband is a mess as are my Children, My daughter was 16 on Wednesday and her Auntie Carol was present at her Birth. I have loads of things to post, as I have had to make Birthday Cards and Anniversary Cards, today my Niece Ragan (Carol's Daughter) wants me to make a "Thank-you" card for her MUM and honest I don't know where to start. The Funeral is on Monday and I will probably not be blogging much, I just wanted you to know that I had a reason for not getting back to you all about the Computer problems.......Love you all hope that everything in your world are good and wil be back soon........HUGS (oh how I need one) Avril xxxx


Lilacanglia said...

Oh my gosh,
I am so sorry to hear your sad news,
My prayers are with you and your family,

Poppy said...

sorry to hear your sad news,
take care my thought are with you and your family.

coldwaters2 said...

Oh I am so sorry for the loss of your SIL and very dear friend. Words always fail at a time like this but my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family and I am sending you such a big HUG.

Lorraine x

pinky said...

Oh Avril, what a heartbreaking, shattering bit of news for you all. She sounds like such a beautiful person when you hear how badly she is missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Lots of hugs.

Stef H said...

oh avril! i am so, so sorry! look at it this way - if it'll help - GOD needed an angel! with things going on in the world today as they are, HE needed an angel. she's in a better place. i will keep all of you in my prayers.


Nannieflash said...

Oh Avril, Im so very sorry, life can be so difficult at times, I want to give you a hug, please shut your eyes and imagine it. My heart and prayers go with you. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

June Nelson said...

Avril darling I wondered what was the matter, bless you what a terrible thing to happen. Beyond belief. My darling im sending you as many higs aas you possibly need and keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers, may you all find the strength to get through the next few days and weeks God bless you my freind and you know where I am if you need a shoulder love and gentle hugs June xx

Pink Dandelion said...

Oh Avril, so sorry to hear this sad news. She sounds like a lovely lady and will be sadly missed by her friends and family. Sending you big hugs ((())). Best wishes Debs x

annies place said...

I'm sorry to hear your sad news, I can send plenty of hugs, & will think of you at this difficult time.
Take care Ann x

Jackie said...

I am so sorry to hear such sad news. My thoughts are with you and your friend's family.
Jackie xx

Heather "Hev" said...

My condolenses on the loss of your dear dear friend.

Thinking of you all at this time.

Foil Play said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Avril - thinking of you too at this very sad time.

Linda . J said...

My dear Avril I am so sorry to hear your sad news and my thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time.
Hugs Linda

Christine said...

Ohhh Avril my heart goes out to you, your family & that of your SIL's family what can one say to help ease the hurt & sorrow???? all my thoughts & prayers are with you dear friend.
I wish you great courage & sending you cyber HUGS to help ease everyones pain which you are ALL feeling for your great loss. God Bless

Hugs Christine xxxx


Hi Avril
I am so sorry to hear your bad news,sending you big hugs and my thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.
Take care.
love and hugs Dianne xx

lynne said...

sorry about yoursad news cards look fab lynne xxx

Lesley said...

Please except my condolences for your loss - such a shock for you all - best wishes - Lesley x