Hi all my great friends who have so helped me through this bad time. I would like to thank everyone for their goodwishes and cards that were sent. I have not been able to get on my blog as my internet went down on Tuesday and the Engineer from Virgin has just left, after dropping my laptop on the floor, so hopefully I will have no more problems, as new Modem was installed. I will hopefully be blog hopping all night whilst I wait for the "Early Bird Xmas TSV" from QVC tonight. I am so looking forward to seeing what you have all been up to and getting a few challenges to do... I have missed this so much. I did not realise how much I relied on my internet until I did not have it, I have been so bored, but not any more......
I was honoured a couple of weeks ago to be given a "Pay it Forward" award from http://ffrogblog.blogspot.com/ if you have not already visited her blog, please pop along, she has such lovely cards etc. The idea of the "PIF" award is to pass it on to 5 people, you e-mail them for their address and send them a little something that will make them smile. Just when I needed it most she sent me the above, which did not only make me smile, but my whole family, especially my grandson, who at 8 said "these are your job's granny" cheeky wee monkey! but I have to say, he has made everything that we have went through as a family so much easier to bare......being so young, his life just goes on as normal, from breakfast to supper and everything inbetween is just as it should be.......I think I have said on several occassions that I love having him live with us and this week more so. I have yet to choose my 5 recipients off this award, but I will let you know over the next few days. So once again thank you to all off you who took the time to let me know that you are thinking about my family and I, and also the ffrog, for the lovely gift that really did bring a smile to my face. Hugs to all. Avril
Hi Avril glad to see you back & hope your tinternet (..LOL) is sorted, like you say life goes on may be hard at times but with your young G/son to make you smile am sure he is helping you all.
Hugs Christine xx
Good to see you back,
and what a wonderful gift,
It has been very quiet around here recently- LOL! you're right about the internet -i had a crash on the 'puter last year and it took a while to sort - i was about climbing the walls, missing all my friends.:) Good to have you back Avril!
sooooo glad to see you back and hope you're feeling really great soon. i've seen the PIF before and even offered it before but only got 2 bites. oh well. i'll still send them something.
Glad you are back!
Hi Avril
So glad to see you back and that you have got everything sorted.
Hugs Dianne xx
Sorry to hear of your loss, and you are in my thoughts
Oh I am so sorry to hear of you loss,hun, glad to see you back though. Love what you have made, truly fab!
As for the JM paper bag project, you have a whole month to make one, which gives everyone time to get hold of a bag and have a go! Can't wait to see what you do!
Hugs Tab xxx
Welcome back Avril, looking forward to seeing your cards, weve definitely missed you. with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx
Hi Avril have sent you an email in reply to your questions.
hugs Christine xx
Pleased to see you back & you are doing ok.Annx
Hey Sweetie! I have missed seeing you around. I've been out of the loop a bit myself so it is good that we are both back and getting back into the swing of things.
Welcome back Avril, missed seeing you around.
Hugs Linda
I am so sorry to read what you have recently been through! My thoughts will be with you-it will be very good to go create in your shed for a wee bit!! You have truly made some wonderful cards-smile to yourself-and pat yourself on the back!! Take care!
Pleased to have you back Avril i missed you love and hugs June xxx
Hi Avril, so sorry to hear of your recent difficulties, it was very kind of you to leave a comment on my blog :) you have some lovely creations on your blog and I have very much enjoyed my visit :) Donna x
Thanks for your lovely words at art freebies. Your card is beautiful and your blog is really nice. Adding wishes for you and your family too
hugs June xxxx
hi avril nice to see you blogging again, its amazing how we miss our internet when we dont have it, confrats on your award, thanks for visiting my blog all the best ju x
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