
Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Favourite Book Challenge at Left of Center Creative Challenge

Morning my friends, well one day down without hubby, and I have kept out of Mischief, LOL...hope you are all having a great Wednesday..

I made this card for a challenge at Left of Center Creative Challenges, CH#27 - Favourite Book.   I watch Criminal Minds, and I heard this quote from Edgar Allen Poe, and so I set to work..using Wolf Eye from Delicious Doodles..I hope you like my interpretation.

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:-

Artistic Inspirations - CH#84 - Anything Goes

I am off back to my craftroom, working on a card, that I hope to bring you later today, have a fabulous day, and thank you for visiting..xxxx


Dawn said...

Avril, you've done an amazing job with this one! Awesome!
Dawn xx

Unknown said...

Wonderful job. Criminal minds is a fav of mine also. Never thought to use their quotes. Beautiful.

Jan said...

Wonderful colouring Avril great card xx Jan

KarinsArtScrap said...

so very beautiful Avril.

gr karin

Linda Simpson said...

Fabulous Avril, love wolves and this is a fabulous card!
Linda xxx

Chris said...

Stunning card! Love it!

Kate M said...

Fabulous colouring, but that's one spooky eye!!
What is the quote? It's too small for me to read.

Jackie said...

Stunning card, love that magnificent wolf eye. I have a cross stitched (by my daughter) wolf's eyes hanging on the wall just to the side of where I sit at my computer. Susan stitched it for me many years ago :)
Jackie xx

Pia S said...

I love this, Avril! So catchy, almost hypnotizing, and I love the textured look of the DP with this image!

Michelle said...

Hi Avril
What a fabulous card and such a stunning image! Thanks for your messages and comments, they brightened my day. Hope you're well x Michelle

Anonymous said...

Avril this is stunning, fantastic card. Love Alison xx

Judith said...

this is gorgeous Avril - can't decide whether it scares me or not lol hugs Judith x

maureenjscott said...

Fabulous Wendy!! I love Criminal Minds - can totally hear Reid or Morgan reading that line!! Fabulous card, I love the wolf eye! Thanks for joining our challenge at LOC this fortnight! Our next Challenge begins on Friday, I hope you can join in next time too! mo xxx

Andree said...

A fantastic card Sis, I love the strong image and layout xx

Laine said...

Stunning image and fabulous detail Avril.

Gwyneth said...

A very eye-catching card!

PinkyLisasInkyCrafts said...

Ooohhhhh I'm another criminal minds fan! Amazing project. I love the natural material look with the wooden buttons, fibered twine and the paper/card. Beautiful image that looks absolutely wonderful in this make.

Thank you for entering our Favourite Book challenge over on the Left of Centre Creative Challenges Blog.

We hope you will join us again, for one of our future fortnightly challenges.

<3 & hugs
Lisa xxxx LOC DT Member

Steph said...

Wonderful card! Love what you've done with the eye, fab textures on the card too. Thanks for joining us at LOC!

Unknown said...

Morning Avril, this is incredible, love this so much xxxx

Fabiola said...

oh la la c'est très chouette, biz

Bridie said...

Fabulous design!

Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog

Happy Friday!


Bridie@BGPayne Crafts said...

This is so gorgeous..amazing.
susan s

CraftingMum said...

Stunning card, thanks for joining us at Artistic Inspirations. Louise x