Well Monday has come round again, too quickly if you ask me. I had Tommy's friend here all weekend, and just as I was doing my project for the Tuseday Taggers, I got a surprise visit from my 2 daughters from Dundee, Nikki, and Mhairi (the one that has got engaged), her fiance Allen is one of the lovliest guys I know and brings my family from Dundee, it seems on a weekly basis, they also brought my youngest grandson John with them, well I was in a pickle I had put a roast dinner on for 6 as my older son Brian had come through on Saturday and had to stretch it to 10, well you can imagine my plate, a wee bit off beef and a tiny lonely potato, I love my roast potatoes as I lather them in lurpak butter to roast (Yum), anyway the sacrifice is worth it to have my fab family around me, I am truly blessed, and I mean that, I am not being cheesy here. Anyway girls I got no cards done this week, even running late posting my TT project, but I did take a couple of pictures on Saturday night which you might think fun. I have 3 kittens here 2 are 8 weeks and ready to go, they are adorable black and white and such fun to watch playing and fighting, the 3rd kitten is would you believe is 5 weeks old but tiny, so much so that it fits in my housecoat pocket, which is handy, as as soon as it hears my voice it runs straight for me, and it is smaller than my hand, I constantly have to watch I don't stand on it, so in my pocket it goes and I can get on with doing things around the house:- here are 2 such pictures hope you like them girls, I will be in the shed all day, as soon as my kids go off to school, so there should be a card later on......by the way the Engagement Invites have went from 30 to 51 and rising...kids eh! I will post the invite once I have it complete, which should be Thursday as I am having Banners printed which I pick up on Wednesday. Have a fab day my friends, I am off to find out what you have been doing over the weekend. Love Avril xxx
Hiya it was great seeing you yesterday i didn't want to leave, sorry about the dinner i did tell Mhairi to call but no she wanted to surprise you ..you know what shes like lol well she took John again lastnight so i got a long lie this morning it was great i'm going away to meet them in town later...love and miss you loads nikki xxxx
did you have dessert too?????? your potatoes sound yummy! nothing better than family and 2 of the cutest little kittens to have around all in one weekend. now THAT'S definitely a blessing!
Oh how cute I want one!!! I have a cat that look just like your little kitten (see blog) she was the smallest when we got her she grow alot now thanks for the comment you left me too!!! Is a kitten going spare?
You asked where I get my paper bags for my albums. They are lunch bags. I get them in the paper product isle of the grocery store. If you can't find them - let me know and I will send you some. I have white or tan. Just let me know. ;o)
Ohhhh! I want one! I jad a cat years ago, who then had 3 perfect little kittens. All now long gone, I'm afraid. Unfortunately allergic to cats now - boo!
ahhh tis is soooooo cute i loooove your little kitty
it was great seeing you yesterday i didn't want to leave, sorry about the dinner i did tell Mhairi to call but no she wanted to surprise you ..you know what shes like lol well she took John again lastnight so i got a long lie this morning it was great i'm going away to meet them in town later...love and miss you loads nikki xxxx
Oh what a little cutie, your so lucky, my hubby wont let me have any more pets at the moment. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx
did you have dessert too?????? your potatoes sound yummy! nothing better than family and 2 of the cutest little kittens to have around all in one weekend. now THAT'S definitely a blessing!
Oh how cute I want one!!! I have a cat that look just like your little kitten (see blog) she was the smallest when we got her she grow alot now thanks for the comment you left me too!!! Is a kitten going spare?
How ADORABLE!!!!! What a sweet pea!!
You asked where I get my paper bags for my albums. They are lunch bags. I get them in the paper product isle of the grocery store. If you can't find them - let me know and I will send you some. I have white or tan. Just let me know. ;o)
Aaaawww!!! too cute.
Ohhhh! I want one! I jad a cat years ago, who then had 3 perfect little kittens. All now long gone, I'm afraid. Unfortunately allergic to cats now - boo!
Sheila :)
Adorable little kitten! Anesha :-)
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