- I love spending time with my Family
- I love spending time with my Hubby, alone, which is not very often....LOL
- I love Crafting.....this has saved my life in so many ways.
- I love spending time, catching up with my blogging buddies, who inspire me in every way.
- I love watching all Crime Drama's especially NCIS.
- I love Reading
- I love listening to Music
I would like to pass this award onto:-
The 2nd award I got from my very good friend Shirley, now I saw this earlier on in the day and pinched it from Stef, so I would love you all to go over and have a look at these awesome ladies blogs....I get inspiration from them both in very different ways. Thank you ladies for your friendship and continual comments on my craft projects, it really does make a difference to my day.

I would like to pass this award onto:
Off to do some crafting now girls, whilst Brian makes the dinner and does a bit off housework, whilst off course watching his beloved football.. Love to you all, Avril xxx
Thanks Avril for the award ! x fab
Hi Avril
thank you for poppin by my blog and leaving a lovely comment. WOW you have been busy with award good for you looking round yr blog I am more than sure you deserve them great work. stop by any time
love Dawn xx
Hi Avril,
HUGE congrats on your award and thankyou so much for passing this onto me.... i really appreciate it! :O)
Fern xx
Hi Avril, wow thank you for the award, I havent got that one and its a gorgeous one and Im delighted and thrilled to receive it. Bless you sweetheart, Ive had a very busy morning and it was nice to find this on my blog, thank you Avril you really are a real friend, its cheered me up a hell of a lot. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx
Aww thank you honey sorry i have not been for it before now, kids lol, but i shall add it to my blog tomorrow thank you so much, hugs Pops x
Hi Avril
Congratulations on your awards and thankyou so much for the award,
Hugs Dianne xx
Congrats on your awards and huge thanks for thinking of me...much appreciated.
Emma x
congrats on your other award and thankyou so much for passing this onto me Hugs Julie x
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