Can't roll out the "Red Carpet", so red ink will have to do, LOL, but as this is a wet and dismal day here in Edinburgh, I thought I would take this change to pass on the awards that have recently been given to my from my friends. The 1st one Beautiful Blogger was given to me by Christine and Shirley over the weekend. They are very special ladies and I would love for you to go over and look at their blog, they are so talented and make time to comment on my blog, daily. Once again thank-you ladies for thinking off me; I would like to pass them onto, the following people who never fail to impress me with their talent and always take the time to visit and leave comments on my blog, which I greatly appreciate:-

The 2nd award "Circle of Friends" was given to me by Linda this morning, as I said above, please take the time to go over and checkout Linda's blog, she is another very talented lady. (I think this looks like a load off us crafters getting together by the seaside!!!!!!!!!! ) Thanks ever so much Linda I will wear this with pride on my blog and have decided to pass it onto the following people who have become great friends to me and during my recent bereavement, I really felt like a Circle of Hugs all around the world enveloped me, so thank you again girls, I greatly appreciated your words and wishes:
I hope this cheers you all up, like it cheered me up. I am away to have a drink to toast you all (tea off course), I need it as this has taken about 1 hour trying to add the links, but I now know how to do it...clever me. Watching QVC (although not been paying attention....) having a cuppa and keeping in touch with all my friends...how great can a wet afternoon be....Love to you all. Avril xxxxx
Oh Avril what a gorgeous award, thank you so much I havent seen this one before but what a lovely one it is. Thank you so much its so nice to receive such acknowledgement from fellow blogers and it really does make it all the more special because of that. Bless you and thank you love and hugs Shirleyxxxx
they are both fabulous awards and well deserved. thank you so much for passing one on to me. you are very dear to me and a friend for life i am sure.
Ohh thank you Avril will put your name on the other from Linda thank you soooo much.
Big Hugs Christine (blows kissess) XXXXXXXXXXX
Thank you for becoming a follower of my extremely crafty blog.
Hi Avril just doing my commenting and found this beauty of an award you are passing onto me (well all awards are beauties) I want to say thank you for thinking of me I will never ever ever get used to others wanting to pass these awards onto me which is why I am always so thrilled to be on the receiving end you are such an angel and you so deserve these awards and I hope you gets many more.
Lorraine x
Wowww Avril,thank you very much for the Award.
Hugs Riet.x
Hi Avril, thanks so much for the award. I really appreciate you thinking of me! xx
Fern xx
Well done to you for your awards.
Thank you for passing the award onto me. It was a joy to receive as it was my first.
What a lovely surpise.
Many Thanks
Aw hunni, thanks so much and of thinking about little old me. I shall pop it on my blog with pride.
Many many thanks for this Avril, it's much appreciated, and a lovely suprise, I have just put it on my blog now
Oh thank you so much for this Avril it means a lot to me. I really appreciate you think of me. Off to post it on my blog right away.
Thank you Avril :) This has certainly put a smile on my face :)
Sorry taken so long to come by and say thank you. I appreciate your kindness :)
Hugs Heather
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