This is my last post for now, but the most important one, I have had an award from Lesley at http://lesleyscards.blogspot.com/ I would like to say a very special THANK YOU. As Lesley now knows I have had a somewhat difficult week, and this really, really cheered me up. The Award has to be given to 5-10 people you feel show, great attitude & gratitude. I have 44 followers at the minute and I would love to give it to you all, as you have given me so much encouragement over the last couple of months, since I entered the world of blogland, but as I have to pick these are my chosen ones, but you are ALL SPECIAL to me.
- Sassy at http://sassy-sassysecrets.blogspot.com/ - Sassy has offered me the hand of friendship at this difficult time, I really apreciate it.
- Fern at http://thecraftingadventuresofan11yearold.blogspot.com/ - I know that many off you admire this young crafter, she is so young, but she inspires me no end, I love her blog and admire the fact that one so young finds pleasure in crafting.
- Poppy at http://poppy2place.blogspot.com/ - Poppy never ceases to comment on my blog and I love reading hers.
- Dianne at http://diannesdoodleblog.blogspot.com/ as above Dianne was one off my first followers and she always drops by and leaves a comment, which I appreciate.
- Shirley at http://nannieflash.blogspot.com/. - also leaves comments on my blog and I enjoy reading hers and getting inspiration.
- Lastly this is for a new follower whom I found yesterday whilst browsing and I had such a laugh at her expense I might add, so I thought I would cheer her up with this award. So thanks for the laugh Boni at http://bonibleauxdesigns.blogspot.com/
This concludes the award ceremony for now, but in my eyes you all deserve awards on a daily basis, I love you all and have much admiration for your work and lives. I am off now to do some slicing I will report back and let you know if it has a permanent home here, or maybe it will go back to QVC via Florida. Have a great weekend girls and I will speak to you all soon. Avril xxx
Thankyou very much Avril, so kind, going to pop it on my blog.
Have a lovely weekend.
Oh Avril, thank you so very much, I am absolutely thrilled with this award, and for the lovely comments youve left me, Bless you, I hope you have a good time with the Slice. Please keep in touch. Love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx
Thankyou so much Avril!!
A lemonade award!
II'm so glad that you like my blog, and i'm honored for you to think of me.
You're very kind.
God luck with your Slice Machine... sounds like it's had quite a holiday.
Fern xx
What a lovely surprise, thank you so very much Avril !!
Oops now feel must apply myself to my Pazzle as after initial excitement OTHER STUFF seems to have got in the way and I haven't been dedicated enough. My FMS is being V. good and keepnig out of the way a bit so I've been doing some catching up on-wait for it-housework. It's amazing, I actually enjoy it, must be the novelty of being able to do it. Love BettyXXX
Hi Avril. Thanks so much for your visits to my blog and for all your very sweet comments. I finally made it over here to you. Nice place! I've become a follower and look forward to more.
Enjoy those new Prismacolors and be sure to show us what you do with them.
Thank you so much for the 'cheer me up'!! I have stopped crying now LOL - and I have been doing quite a bit of shopping for new shoes - I love the internet!!!
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