Hi ALL my lovely friends. I have been rotten with the cold all week, but feel a bit better today, I have done no crafting, as I always worry about passing the germs on to others.... Dianne at http://crazycraftshed.blogspot.com/ left me this wonderful award, I did thank her, but this is the 1st time that I have felt much like doing anything this week. I want to pass it onto 5 people who always leave comments on my blog and never fail to inspire me with their blogs. I would love if you would all pop over to Dianne's blog, link above, she is a true inspiration and a great friend, Thanks Dianne, Hugs. Avrilxxx
Now onto the 5 people who I feel inspire me and always leave lovely comments on my blog please go and have a look at their blogs and you will know what I mean:-
- Joey at http://joeysworldofstuff.blogspot.com/
- Riet at http://rietsblog.blogspot.com/
- Pinky at http://pinky-pinkysworld.blogspot.com/
- Christine at http://nanaseaside.blogspot.com/
- Sharon at http://sharonscreativeramblings.blogspot.com/
I am hoping to get some challenges done today, so I might be back with another post, but will maybe leave it till tomorrow. Love to you all. Have a great weekend. Hugs Avril xxx
Hop on over to my blog, something waiting there for you :)
Hi Avril
so glad you like your award you deserve this and i hope you are feeling a little better now,take care,
Hugs Dianne xx
Hi Averil - you won Tuesday Taggers last Tuesday can you contact Michelle via the blog email addy http://tuesdaytaggers.blogspot.com/
Love the music Ive been transported back to being 15 again!
Hi Avril, sorry to hear you have been poorly. Hope you are getting better. Thanks so much for the award, so nice of you to think of me. Hugs
Thank you very much Avril.
Hugs Riet.x
Congrats on your award sorry your not feeling to well, hope the sunshine cheers you up??? a huge thank you for thinking of me for this award Avril I'll pop it on ASA I can
big hugs Christine xxx
Well done on the award, pleased to hear that your cold is a little better, hugs Jacee
Hi, Thank you so much for the beautiful Award . I will collect it when i am home as i don't know how to do it on the lap top Heehee I am still used to XP can't as yet get the hang of vista.
Hope your feeling better, We have been getting the same weather as you have.Guess thats what we get for holidaying in the UK. I would rather be on a hot sandy beach but having a Border Collie stops that cause i would never kennel him.
Hope your day goes great .
Talk soon xxx
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