I have been given these awards, from Carol at:- crafty crofty . I am Over the Moon with these awards. I must pass it on to eight bloggers, who can then choose eight more and will include this cleverly written text:-
These blogs are exceedingly charming, these are the kind of bloggers who aim to find and become friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are proper gated, please give more attention to these writers.
Below are the 8 bloggers I have chosen
1 Fern - Fern's Blog
2 Karen - Kazabing
3 Sassy - Sassy's Secrets
4 Jem - Jem's Crafty Blog
5 Karen - Allsorts Card
6 Doodles - Creative Ramblings
7 Trish - Diamond Doll
8 Melly = Mel's Craft Room
Thankyou Avril for these lovely awards.
Trish (-:
Hi avril,
Thanks so much for these awards!
It was lovely of you to think of me, and i'll let you know when the stamps arrive!
Love Fern xx
Aww........thank you honey of thinking about little old me... I shall pop them on my blog and show it off with pride.. Kaza.xxx
Thanks so much Avril, I take it there for me not froggie ! janex
I am very touched that you think of me and my blog in this way. Thank you so much.
Can i ask how i add them and give them please sorry i am still so lost by this blogging world. *wink*
big hugs have a great day xxx
Think i am figuring it out heehee thanks again xxx
Thank you so much for visting my blog and leaving me your kind thoughts on my new look blog and my card thank you.
Hi Avril.
Thankyou so much!!!
You're a star!
The gorgeous stamps arrived today!!
I can't wait to get crafting! :O)
Fern xx
Oh my avril, thank you so so much!! I'm totally over the moon! Hee thanks sweetie!! xxxx
Forgot to say left you one too!! xxx
thankyou so much avril, you have made my day x karen x
Hi Avril, thanks for your nice comment on my blog. The magnets have an adhesive side, simply peel off the plastic and stick it where you want it. You need 2, 1 + and 1- and then you can join them together. The pack comes with loads of each. Hope this helps xx
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