
Tuesday 26 January 2010

Tuesday Taggers - Jigsaw Pieces.....

Good Morning ladies, thank you for all your great comments on my projects yesterday, I will be round to see you all today, but yesterday, I spent the whole day in the shed, covered in ink.....and it was the greatest fun ever.....I bought a 24 pieces Jigsaw in the sale, and now have 3 pieces left...LOL......I was given amazing advice from my fellow Tuesday Taggers and this is what I came up with for our challenge this week, (my 1st or 20th attempt, more truthfully, of COLLAGE) (in the night, whilst I was dreaming of my crafts, as you do, I decided that I would make this into a Magnet), which Bee has use a Jigsaw Piece or Shape somewhere on your project. Pop over and check out the amazing projects that our DT have done, with this challenge....and remember if your fancy joining our Happy Team, use the e-mail address on the challenge website stating your interest (the call is open for another week).....I can honestly say that this is a fabulous DT to belong too, we all help one another and have lots of respect for one another.....there is no stress, just FUN......


Unknown said...

aww thats would look great on my new fridge you loads nikki xxxx

Lilacanglia said...

absolutely stunning,

Lil Daffodil said...

Hi Avril Ann,
This is fabulous. What a great use for jigsaw pieces. The colours and stitching are fantastic. I really like this.
I am dropping you an email about a visit to Costco.
Fiona x

Unknown said...

Fabulous work Avril - Im so glad you didnt just give in. I so love the collaged effect and think a fridge magnet is an inspired idea hun. Thanks as always for being a fabby team mate on Tuesday Taggers x Janet

Unknown said...

This is fab Avril, what a great idea and it'll look wonderful on your fridge - love it!

Jan xx

Clare said...

What a great idea Avril. Wouldn't mind that on my fridge!!! love all of the colours that you have chosen & the image is beautiful, the dinky buttons are cute too. May have to go try this myself. Hugs, Clare xxx

Doreen said...

Well Avril spending the day in the shed wasn't without it's rewards this is a fabulous creation. Such a good idea xxx

Jackie said...

This is Fab, lovely colours :o)
Jackie xx

Stef H said...

now this is totally awesome!

hugs :)

PatR said...

Well done Avril dear. Glad you enjoyed yourself getting messy. Fab end result.
Love, Pat xx

Jacee said...

How cool! what a fab job you've done with this Avril, really, really love it!

Nannieflash said...

Hi Avril, for a small piece its stunning. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx

Helen Dooley said...

Oh my Avril that is beautiful. It really is lovely. Glad you didn't give up.

Chriss Rollins said...

those wondeful shoes with glitter buttons, bet my ankles wouldnt fit into those

chriss x

Maria Matter said...

now how cool is this?!!! gorgeous Avril!!!
blessings, Maria

Michelle said...

Hi Avril
A great job there me lovely!!! honestly it's a real work of art and a fab fridge magnet too!
Some great stuff on here since I last hopped over. Hope all is well.
x Michelle

Zoechaos said...

Playing catch up so only just really seen this gonna be a fabulous magnet. hope peeps are clicking on the picture to see it in full glorious detail it is so worth it fabulous details.