
Monday 19 October 2009


Well Good Monday to you all girls, my great news that I hinted at over the weekend is this, I have been invited by Lisa, Lyn, Karen, Stef, Jan J and Cheryl to be a member of their Design Team at Sophisticat, I am over the moon and honoured to be asked this, Sophisticat is quite a new Challenge Blog, this week being WK7, and all the girls are a Mega-talented bunch, who enjoy crafting and having a laugh, I urge you all, my followers to pop over this week and join in this weeks challenge which has been set by Lisa the sketch is fab to follow and she asks that we "3D it" which can be decoupage or using 3d foam pads on your project, there is a Gorgeous Stamp from Lisa B Designs up for grabs this week,  so come on girls, get following this blog and take part in the challenges, this was my take on the challenge, hope you like it, my dear friends and thank you for bearing with me, for the news, I so nearly blurted it out over the weekend, on so many occasions, don't forget now, off you go and check it out.....that is an ORDER!! LOL....

I also found out over the weekend that I won The Character Cafe's 1st Challenge, which was my card with the Gingerbread Men and the "Faux Stitching" I won 2 digital images, Pumpkins and Pilgrim Petra and also a 15% discount on an order for more image, how lucky am I, and also OLLY was the 1st one safe at X Factor last night, can life get any better....oh yes it can Craft Day starting at Midnight tonight and the SECC Craft Show on Thursday with my gorgeous daughter Nikki, yes LIFE IS GREAT........


Nannieflash said...

Congratulations Avril and well done, sorry you will miss me as Im going to be at the NEC on Saturday with my hubby, I hope you enjoy your trip, I suspect you are going to the Glasgow one anyway. Love the card its gorgeous with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

Poppy said...

congratulations on your becoming a member of the DT, and winning.

PinksyDoodles said...

Wow, congratulations on your DT position Avril and also on winning the challenge.
Fab card!
Clare x


congrats !

Stef H said...

we are soooooooooooooooooo thrilled to have you on the team! that lisa definitely knows talent when she sees it - and i've been seeing it for a while now too! super card and WOOOO HOOO on the win!


Lilacanglia said...


Nilla said...

Congrats!!! Hugs Nilla

Unknown said...

Welcome to the team, we're so pleased you've joined us & love your DT card you made in record time!

Thanks so much for your lovely comment you left on my blog too, I really appreciate it.

Jan xx

Lil Daffodil said...

Hi Avril Ann,
Congratulations on your being chosen as a DT member. Your card is great - I love it.
I won't be at SECC because I'm still on crutches and I think it might be a tiring day. I went to Ingleston in my wheel chair and it was manic - couldn't get near anything. If you go I hope you have a great time.
Fiona x

coldwaters2 said...

Oh Avril I am so thrilled for you congratulations.

Lorraine x

June Nelson said...

Congratulations Avril they picked well, im sure you will be a great asset to the team darlin xxxxxxxxxxx

Kath Stewart said...

woo.hooo congrats on the DT and look forward to seeing you at the SECC....we are meeting up at 12.30 outside the little newspaper it RS McColl's...hope to see you there...big hugs kath xxxxx

Unknown said...

WOW!!! Congratulations!!!!

Christine said...

Wow Avril dear blogging pal MANY CONGRATS on your DT posting so well deseverd I know you will be an asset to the team.. enjoy your trip to SECC.

Hugs Christine xx

Merry said...

Congrats Avril on being a part of the DT and on your win......what a happy post.

scrappyjacky said...

Many congrats on your DY spot.

Lesley said...

well Avril congratulation - what an honour - Lesley x

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS mum......can't wait to thursday actually can't wait till tomorrow to see you love you loads and loads nikki xxx

Boni Boutelle-Jones said...

CONGRATS!!! So well deserved! Have fun - you are playing with a couple of my buddies over there.

Sammye Jo said...

Congrats to you! You are so talented!!